Don’t stress but as of today there is only 117 days until Christmas.
Now I am not sure if you celebrate Christmas but I do. So that means that I have 117 days left to make all my Christmas gifts!!!!
I usually start my fiscal year in September because well, I am a teacher. My school year starts next week but to me that also usually means I ramp up my crafting to get ready for Christmas, and the two craft shows I sell some of my crafts in before Christmas. Well I am proud to say that my New Years Resolution last year was to start making my Christmas gifts on January 1st.
I am pretty proud, it is the first resolution I have actually kept! I have completed five gifts so far and I am not feeling stressed about this Christmas season at all. You might be thinking “why is this gal stressed, it’s August” but those who make their gifts know that it takes time!!
So people lets get crafting!!!!!

My Christmas Giving Journal
TIP: If you make your gifts (or buy them). One thing I have been doing since high school is writing in a notebook what I gave each person every year. You can all thank the late and great Carole for that one, my mom was an organized lady. I find it super helpful because I do make a lot of gifts and I would hate to give the same gift twice (i.e.: knit the same style cowl for the same person). That may sound silly but in 2008 I crochet 19 toques according to my book!!!!
Take care, Heather